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Reelers Square Dance Club Bylaws - updated 4/20/2018

Reelers Square Dance Club Bylaws

Adopted prior to 11-06-1964

Revised 11-06-1964

Revised 09-21-1973

Revised 06-03-1977

Revised 03-21-1980

Revised 03-17-2000

Revised 11-19-2007

Revised 12-07-2012

Revised 10-17-2014

Revised 04-20-2018








The name of this non-profit organization shall be “Reelers Square Dance Club, Incorporated.”




Reelers Square Dance Club, Incorporated, is formed to provide a means by which members can enjoy dancing together in a spirit of friendliness and cooperation, with each member expected to share in the club responsibilities.




Section 1.    Requirements for membership:


  1. Must have completed Plus lessons.


  1. Must pay annual dues.


  1. Must be at least 16 years old.


Section 2.     Requirements for associate membership:


  1. Graduates of Mainstream lessons sponsored by Reelers Square Dance Club, Incorporated, shall be granted a complimentary associate membership for at least one year following their graduation. 


  1. Associate members shall be included on club communications, shall be invited to participate in club social activities, and may identify themselves as club members for events sponsored by the Northern New Jersey Square Dancers Association.


  1. Graduates of Plus lessons shall no longer be eligible for associate membership.




Section 1.    The officers of Reelers Square Dance Club, Incorporated, shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each office may be held by one or more people. The officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.


Section 2.    The major duties of the officers are as follows:


  1. President – Presides at Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings, oversees the work of committees, appoints and/or removes committees, makes announcements at dances, and acts in emergencies.


  1. Vice President – Assumes the office of President in the absence or resignation of the President, engages halls, and assists the President as needed.


  1. Secretary – Keeps records of business proceedings, maintains the official membership list and a list of standing committees, provides all members with a copy of the Bylaws, submits club articles and ads to Grand Square, and performs any secretarial duties requested by an officer.


  1. Treasurer – Serves as custodian of funds, collects all moneys, pays bills, gives written financial reports at Executive Board meetings, prepares a written financial report at the end of each square dance year, and deposits all funds in suitable account(s) to write checks and pay bills.




Section 1.    The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President by the first dance in January.


Section 2.    The Nominating Committee shall propose a slate of officers and committee chairpersons.


Section 3.    All nominations shall be presented at a club meeting during the last dance in March.


Section 4.    Elections shall take place at a club meeting during the last dance in April. Officers and committee chairpersons shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present.


Section 5.    Officers shall be elected for a term of one year. They may not serve more than four consecutive terms.


Section 6.    Officers and committee chairpersons shall take office at the first dance of the official club year, which starts June 10.




All officer vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by the President with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. If the President resigns or is unable to hold this office, it shall be filled by the Vice President as covered in Article IV, Section 2, Vice President.




Section 1.    The Executive Board shall consist of:


  1. The Executive Committee (all officers).


  1. The chairpersons of the club committees, which may include, but are not restricted to: Callers/Cuers, Class Coordinator, Demos, Historian, NNJSDA Delegate, Publicity, Raids, Refreshments, and Website.


Section 2.    The President shall call meetings of the Executive Board at least twice a year. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board membership.


Section 3.    Items of business shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board members present.


Section 4.    If more than one person fills a position, each person shall vote individually. No one shall have more than one vote, even if serving in two positions on the Executive Board.




The fiscal status of the club shall be reviewed by the Executive Board at the first meeting of the new dance year (June). The suggested donation fees (annual dues and dance fees) for the ensuing season shall be discussed and approved by the Executive Board. The donation levels shall be based on projected club activities and estimated expenses as well as maintenance of its non-profit status. The Treasurer and at least one other officer shall be authorized to sign checks. The President is authorized to spend up to $50 on flowers or a donation in lieu of flowers to honor a departed member or a regular caller/cuer. For amounts higher than $50 or for other expenditures that would benefit the club, the President needs approval of the Executive Committee.




The duties and functions of each club office and committee position shall be described in writing, with the flexibility to delegate certain duties to other members as needed. It shall be the duty of the President to obtain annual updated job descriptions from current officers and committee members. It shall be the duty of the outgoing officers and committee chairpersons to assemble these documents and transfer them to their successors and the club President.




Section 1.    The President shall call meetings of the full club membership as needed, including (but not limited to) the last dances in March and April (see Article V, Sections 3-4). A quorum shall consist of a majority of the club membership.


Section 2.    Most items of business shall be approved by a majority vote of the club members present.


Section 3.    These Bylaws shall be amended only by approval of at least two-thirds of the club members present. At least two weeks’ advance notice must be given of a meeting wherein an amendment of the Bylaws is to be considered. A final vote shall be taken at a subsequent meeting with at least two weeks’ advance notice.

© 2021 Reelers. Webmaster Janet Gerber.

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